Take a look at what has been going on in our life...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Meetup Group

States and I enjoy meeting up with other moms and children in our area, even though he has to watch out for the older kids. They tend to steal his pacifier from him! :) Here are some cute pictures of States at one of our playdates.


States showing his true colors already! Go COWBOYS!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Swinging at the park

States and I walk to the park everyday that there is good weather. On one of our last trips States swung in the park swing for the first time. He laughed and smiled the entire time. The park is one of the main reasons why we chose our home.

Chris working hard

We finally had some nice weather on the weekend. Chris couldn't wait to get outside and work in our first yard. He trimed one of our trees so people on the sidewalk wouldn't hit the lower branches and he mowed the yard. He is such a hard worker!

Happy Valentine's Day!

States wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Month!!!

Here are some cute pictures of States!!!

He loves to laugh and smile

Taking a nap with Daddy!
Posing with Momma

Eating Chris's chin, YUMMY!

Bath Time

Well it's a new month (actually we are more than halfway through a new month)!!! States and I have been having a blast! He turned 6 months old on Feb. 13th. We went to the doctor to have his checkup. He weighs 19 1/2 pounds (yes...that is big for his age) and is 26 5/8 inches long. The doctor said that he could start having solids and that it was now time to move him into his own room at night. We haven't started the solids yet, but Chris, the wonderful father that he is, began States' transition into his new room. It was too hard for me to listen to States crying. Last night was the first night that States slept in his crib and did not get up for a nighttime feeding. YEAH!